Tuesday, June 2, 2009

summer plans

As a teacher, I could easily lounge around all summer wasting my time, so instead I'm setting some goals.

First - I have two trips that are non-negotiable. I'm flying to Maryland with Ryan for my grandfather's 80th birthday/ family reunion. This is just a weekend trip.I'm also driving to Florida and back - totaling 2.5 weeks - for the Church of the Nazarene General Assembly and high pointing with Ryan. One of the spots we're camping is an island off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico called St. George Island. I'm pumped!

So with these trips on the schedule, here are some of my other goals:
1. Re-arrange the contents of my filing cabinets from school and recycle unncessary papers.

2. Read books:
- "The Last Olympian" by Rick Riordan
- "I am the Messenger" by Markus Zuzak
- "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith
- "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary Schmidt
- "Hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet" by Jamie Ford
- "The Book of Lies" by Brad Meltzer
- "The City of Ember" by Jeanne DuPrau

3. See movies:
- "My Sister's Keeper"
- "Harry Potter 6: The Half-Blood Prince"
- "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"

4. Perhaps try to re-finish my shoddy kitchen table. Does anyone have any free paint? White/blue/green... whatever.

5. Take a couple of classes through the school district.

6. Cook interesting vegetarian dishes. I am armed with a vegetarian cookbook and a bunch of courage - we'll see where it takes me.

7. Apply in a couple more school districts in the New England area.

8. Make my own windchimes using random scraps from random places. This is ambiguous because I technically have no idea what I'm talking about - I'm just wanting to try it.

Eight seems like a good place to stop. I'll probably forget to blog about all of this - so maybe I should make it a goal of mine to write about various adventures. Don't hold your breath... I'll be busy. Expect pictures - I'm good at that. Okay - happy summering!


*Austin Mommy* said...

I'll be watching got updates and pictures!! And My Sister's Keeper looks like a fabulous movie! Maybe we can go see it on the same night and pretend like we went to the movies together. :)

*Austin Mommy* said...

(oops...I'll be watching FOR updates and pictures)

Liz said...

fot the windchimes, broken peices of glass botles on fishing wire works well, me and steohen made some last year for mothers day. . . . . just be careful, we tapped the fishing wire to the glass with ductape but. . . . . .idk alumiun can scraps work too. . . . =]